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Аthor: Oliver Ramsbotham
Date: 3.08.2012
Formats: pdf, ebook, epub, ipad, audio, android, text

Transforming Violent Conflict
Conflict Transformation and Peacemaking.Niedrige Preise, Riesen-Auswahl und kostenlose Lieferung ab nur € 20
Treating Core Conflict Problems.
A number of conflict theorists and practitioners, including John Paul Lederach, advocate the pursuit of "conflict transformation," as opposed to "conflict resolution
Transforming Violent Conflict
CNVC is a steward of the integrity of the NVC process and a nexus point of NVC-related information and resources, including training, conflict resolution, and
Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies "Take a Look" Publications (announcing HumanDHS initiatives and events) Newsletters (written after HumanDHS conferences)
Kansas City based Non Violent Communication Training, Mediation and Counseling services.
As of December 2, 2005, the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflict (OTPIC) has been officially retired, and is no longer open to new registrations.
Berghof Handbook for Conflict.
Berghof Handbook for Conflict. Restorative Justice in School Settings
Berghof Handbook for Conflict.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication |.

Conflict -
The Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation is a comprehensive and cumulative website resource that provides continually updated cutting-edge knowledge